Please join us for
Sunday Bible Study 9:45 a.m.
We have a class for you!
Morning Worship 10:45 a.m.
Youth (7th - 12th grades) Sun. and Wed. @ 5:30 p.m.
JAM (K-6th grades) Wed. @ 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
You'll Want To Know...
"Forgotten Ministries" is in need of clothing for their clothes pantry. Winter jackets, under garments, and children's clothing is in short supply.
Old Testament reading plans for 2024 are on the table by the sound booth.
Dec. 7th - Boy's Ranch Nativity - vans will leave the church at 4:30pm
(We will eat supper before going to the ranch)
Dec. 11th - Business meeting @ 7:15pm (Voting on the 2025 Budget)
Dec. 12th - Wrapping gifts @ "Forgotten Ministries"
Dec. 15th - Bridal Shower for Kenzie Doane and Isaac Koehn @ 2:00pm
Dec. 18th - Wednesday Night "JAM" Christmas program @ 6:30pm
Dec. 19th - Giving away gifts @ "Forgotten Ministries"
Dec. 21st - Youth going to see Christmas lights
Dec. 22nd - Community Christmas Caroling @ 5:30pm (Warm goodies will be waiting when the carolers return)
Dec. 24th - Christmas Eve Candlelight Service @ 6:30pm
Dec. 25th - Community Christmas Dinner from 11:30 am - 1:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall (Please call the office for deliveries)
Dec. 29th - Morning Worship only at 10:00 am (No Sunday School Classes)
Dec. 29th - Community 5th Sunday Sing @ 6:30pm