Please join us for

Sunday Bible Study 9:45 a.m.

We have a class for you!

Morning Worship 10:45 a.m.

Youth (7th - 12th grades) Sun. and Wed. @ 5:30 p.m.


You'll Want To Know...

July 21st - 25th Amarillo Mission Trip

July 29th - 31st - Children's Camp (Vici)

August 4th - last "First Sunday Breakfast" for the summer.  Join us at 9:00 am in the fellowship hall for breakfast followed by combined Sunday School.  Worship will follow at 10:45 am.

Aug. 4th - Nursing Home Service @ 2:00 pm

Aug. 11th - Deacon's Meeting @ 9:00 am

Aug. 14th - Business Meeting at 6:30 pm

Aug. 15th - First Day of School

Attention ladies! - A summer bible study is continuing for teens to senior adults titled "Seamless" by Angie Smith.  There are 7 sessions with video and discussion that will be meeting Wednesday evenings @ 5:30 pm in the womens Sunday school classroom.


"Forgotten Ministries" is in need of clothing for their clothes pantry.  Winter jackets, under garments, and children's clothing is in short supply.

Old Testament reading plans for 2024 are on the table by the sound booth.