• Hanging of the Greens
  • Pastor Gaylon
  • Mike and Zach
  • RL
  • Children's Department
  • Children's Department
  • Karen, Kristi, Angie, Candie
  • Kelly
  • Ryan and Jordan
  • Heidi and Kim
  • Phillip leading the congregational singing
  • Andrew reading The Traditions of the Evergreens
  • Mike reading The Legend of the Poinsettia
  • Coltan reading The Traditions of the Christmas Tree
  • Indy reading The Nativity
  • Allayna reading The Symbol of Light

Please join us for

Sunday Bible Study 9:45 a.m.

We have a class for you!

Morning Worship 10:45 a.m.

Youth (7th - 12th grades) Sun. and Wed. @ 5:30 p.m.

JAM (K-6th grades) Wed. @ 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.


You'll Want To Know...


"Forgotten Ministries" is in need of clothing for their clothes pantry.  Winter jackets, under garments, and children's clothing is in short supply.

January 15th - no Jam

January 15th - Night of Praise for the community @ the new gym - 6:30pm  Mark your calendar and join the church family in lifting up our school, community and church in prayer for protection, growth and blessing as we begin a New Year!

January 22nd - Business Meeting following JAM

End of Year giving statements will be available on January 26th for pick up.  Thank you for supporting the ministries of FBC!