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- "How Far Does My Freedom Go?"
- "Serve Jesus Where You Are"
- "To Marry or Not to Marry"
- "Staying Pure in an Impure World"
- "Brothers, Please Work it Out"
- The Hope of Christmas: The Completed Work of Christ
- "The Hope of Christmas: The Glory of Christ"
- "The Hope of Christmas: God's Perfect Timing"
- "The Hope of Christmas: God's Faithfulness"
- "The Hope of Christmas: God's Grace"
- "Give Thanks to the Lord"
- "Immorality in the Church"
- "Be Imitators of Me"
- "Please Heal Our Nation, O Lord"
- "A Church Leader Must be Humble"
- "A Church Leader Must be Faithful"
- "Rewards in Heaven"
- "Planting Trees You Will Never Sit Under"
- "The Wisdom of God"
- "The "Foolishness" of God"
- "In the Name of Jesus, Be Unified!"
- "The Call of God"
- "Welcome to Corinth"
- "Lord, Open Our Eyes"
- "Buying A Stairway to Heaven"
- "From Victory to Discouragement to Victory"
- "Whom Will You Serve?"
- "A Repentant Heart"
- "An Old Testament Picture of Grace"
- "Strengthen Yourself in the Lord"
- "The God Who Restores the Broken"
- "Our All-Powerful God"
- "Obedience is Better Than Sacrifice"
- "Lessons From a Father Who Failed"
- "When the Church Becomes Like the World"
- "A Good Name"
- "An Encouragement for Younger Christians"
- "Encouragement for Shepherds"
- "The Greatest Joy"
- "Helpful, Curious, Listening."
- "Leaving a Lasting Legacy"
- "What Would You Have Me Do Lord?"
- "Keeping Your Faith When You're in the Fire"
- "Good News"
- "A Prediction and a Promise"
- "Get Ready: Jesus is Coming Back"
- "Have You Had Enough of Sin Yet?"
- "A Proclamation of Victory"
- "Defend Your Faith!"
- "Living the Good Life"
- "Winning an Unsaved Spouse"
- "Love Jesus, Hate Sin"
- "How Much Do You Trust God?"
- "Christians and Government"
- "Someone is Watching You"
- "Who We Are in Christ"
- "Pray For 'B.O.B.'"
- "The Great "I AM" Has Come Into The World"
- "The Man God Chose to Raise His Son"
- "The Woman God Chose to Bear His Son"
- "Desiring the Pure Milk of the Word"
- "The Wonder of Salvation"
- "Can We Still Have Joy In Our Suffering?"
- "Where Is Your Hope?"
- "A Church God Blesses"
- "Church Purposes; We Reach In" (Baptism, Teaching)
- "Church Purposes; We Reach Out!" (Evangelism)
- "Church Purposes; We Reach Out!" (Ministry)
- "Church Purposes; We Reach Up!"
- "Christ's Victorious Church"
- "Good News for the Poor, Prisoner, Blind, Oppressed"
- Zimbabwe 2023 Report
- "God's Graduation"
- Ecuador Missions Report
- "Prayer Hindrances"
- "The Great Invitation"
- "Finish Well"
- Amarillo Mission Trip Report 2023
- "The Power Behind All Evil"
- "The Good Shepherd"
- "Christ's Millennial Kingdom"
- "Who are you?"
- Falls Creek Report 2023
- "The Parable of the Vineyard"
- "Going Through the Motions"
- "The Unifying Yet Divisive Gospel"
- "Signs of a Healthy Church"
- "The Lost Generation"
- "Real Faith Prays"
- "Real Faith Patiently Anticipates Christ's Return"
- "Real Faith Uses God's Blessings Wisely"
- "The Resurrection: Power Revealed, Hope Offered"
- "Are You Broken for the Lost?"
- "Carrying Guilt"
- "A Glimpse of the Messiah"
- "Real Faith Doesn't Waste a Day"
- "Real Faith Produces Humility"
- "Real Faith Produces Godly Wisdom"
- "Real Faith Controls the Tongue"
- "Real Faith Works"
- "True Faith Shows No Partiality"
- Forgotten Ministries from Enid Okla.
- "Real Faith Obeys the Word"
- "Real Faith Resists Temptation"
- "Real Faith Endures Trials"
- "Why Are We Still Here?"
- "John & Jesus: Great and the Greatest of All"
- "Advent: Love"
- "Advent: Joy"
- "Advent: Peace"
- "Advent: Hope"
- "Give Thanks to the Lord"
- "Dry Bones"
- "The Distinguishing Virtue of the Christian"
- "Spiritual Gifts"
- "The Battle Within"
- "The Holy Spirit's Work in Salvation"
- "Who is the Holy Spirit?"
- "The Promise of the Holy Spirit"
- "Life's Most Important Question"
- "The Remedy for Worry"
- "Press On!"
- "The Lord's Supper"
- Ross Doane Testimony/ Bro. Gaylon's Sermon - "Esther: For Such A Time As This"
- "Josiah: Judah's 8 Year Old King"
- "Children's Camp Report"
- "An Unknown Hero Gives a Word of Hope"
- "Aquila and Priscilla: Common People Doing World Changing Ministry"
- "John, the Baptist: True Greatness"
- "Barnabas: The Spirit Filled Encourager"
- "The Prodigal Son"
- "What Believers Should Do"
- "Abigail: A Woman Who Had the Courage to Intervene"
- "Philip: The Spirit Led Evangelist"
- "Lois and Eunice: Women Who Passed Their Faith to Their Children"
- "Andrew: The Quiet Soul Winner"
- "Gideon: The Reluctant Warrior"
- "Resurrection Hope"
- "The Cross: Foolishness or Power?"
- "A Lesson on What to Pray"
- "Abide in Christ"
- "Your're Not Finished Yet"
- "Come Lord Jesus"
- "The New Jerusalem"
- "The New Heaven and the New Earth"
- "The Great White Throne Judgment"
- "The Millennial Kingdom"
- "The Return of the King"
- "A Celebration in Heaven"
- "Babylon Is Fallen"
- "Promised Inheritance"
- "Don't Fall for Fake Religions"
- "Why Did Jesus Come: To Declare the Cost of Following Him"
- "Why Did Jesus Come- To Bear Witness of the Truth"
- "Why Did Jesus Come - Not to Condemn, But to Save"
- "Why Did Jesus Come - To Re-Define Greatness"
- "Why Did Jesus Come - To Seek and to Save the Lost"
- "Why Did Jesus Come - To Offer Us Abundant Life"
- "How Do You Respond to God's Blessings?"
- "The Bowl Judgments"
- "Voices of Victory: The Two Harvests"
- "Voices of Victory: The Three Angels"
- "Voices of Victory: The 144,000 Witnesses"
- "The Beast Out of the Earth: The False Prophet"
- "The Beast Out of the Sea: Antichrist"
- "Cosmic Battle #3: God Always Wins!"
- "Cosmic Battle #2: God Wins Again!"
- "Cosmic Battle #1: God Wins!"
- "He Will Hold Me Fast"
- "The 7th Trumpet: Heaven Rejoices"
- "The Two Witnesses"
- "The Word of God: Bittersweet"
- "The 6th Trumpet: Mass Carnage"
- "Jesus and Children"
- "Life Below the Mountain Top"
- "The 5th Trumpet: Demons Unleashed"
- "The Trumpet Judgments: Environmental Chaos"
- "A Greater Freedom"
- "Why We Do What We Do"
- "We Need Godly Men"
- "The Tribulation Evangelists"
- "Fear the Wrath to Come"
- "The Tribulation Martyrs"
- "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse"
- "Worthy is the Lamb"
- "From Bitter to Blessed"
- "The Rapture of the Church"
- "A Glimpse Into Heaven"
- "Laodicea: The Lukewarm Church"
- "The Simple Gospel"
- "The Day Jesus Got Mad"
- "Philadelphia: The Persevering Church"
- "Sardis: The Dying Church"
- "Thyatira: The Church That Listened to Jezebel"
- "Pergamum: The Compromising Church"
- "Smyrna: The Persecuted Church"
- "Ephesus: The Church That Stopped Loving Jesus"
- "The Revelation of Jesus Christ"
- "God Knows Me"
- "The Cry of a Repentant Heart"
- "Seeing Life From God's Perspective"
- "Tree or Chaff?"
- "The Blessing of Forgiveness"
- "What is Your Response to Jesus?"
- "The Best News Ever"
- "A God Sized Surprise"
- "To God Be The Glory"
- "Dealing With False Teachers"
- "As Iron Sharpens Iron"
- "Why Our Prayers Are Not Answered as We Hoped"
- "The Joy of Giving"
- "Don't Waste Your Life"
- "For Anyone Who Needs Hope"
- "The Judgment Seat of Christ"
- "When My Freedom Goes Too Far"
- "Don't Argue Over Trivial Things"
- "Wake Up!"
- "Submission to Authority"
- "How Do We Relate to the World Around Us?"
- "A Christian's Defining Virtue"
- "Every Member Pitching In"
- "Ultimate Worship"
- "Grafted Branches Make a Beautiful Tree"
- "Can I Get a Witness?"
- "Saving Faith"
- "Is God Fair?"
- "How Much Do I Really Care?"
- "Unbreakable Love"
- "Good News: God is For Us!"
- "God is Always in Control"
- "The God Who Turns Bad Into Good"
- "The Best Is Yet to Come"
- "Adopted by the Father"
- "The Security of Never Being Condemned Again"
- "O Wretched Man That I Am - The Fight for Holiness"
- "Which Master Will You Serve?"
- "Where Can I Find Hope?"
- "What Was God Doing at the Cross?"
- "Pride, Failure, and Restoration"
- "The First Lord's Supper"
- "Tears of the King"
- "Who Will Reign in My Life?"
- "Does Grace Encourage Sin?"
- "First Adam, Last Adam"
- "Rejoice in These Things"
- "Peas and Carrots"
- "Paul vs James - Is There a Contradiction in the Bible?"
- "There is Hope - The Righteousness of God"
- "No Fear of God"
- "Challenges to the Integrity of God"
- "Simeon's Divine Appointment"
- "Nothing is Impossible With God"
- "Our Humble Messiah"
- "Our Religion Cannot Save Us"
- "Our Goodness Cannot Save Us"
- "The Wrath of God"
- "Ashamed of the Gospel"
- "The Greatest Letter Ever Written"
- "Cultural Christianity or the Real Deal?"
- "Why Our Prayers Go Unanswered" (pt 3)
- "Why Our Prayers Go Unanswered" (pt 2)
- "Why Our Prayers Go Unanswered" (pt 3)
- "Why Should We Pray?" (pt 2)
- "Why Should We Pray?"
- "Something Worth Celebrating"
- "Living Out Your Faith in a Faithless World"
- "Taking Sin Seriously"
- "The Preciousness of the Word"
- "The Lies of the Enemy"
- "Opposition From Within"
- "Workers and Warriors"
- "Everyone Pitching In"
- "God is Bigger"
- "A Call to Action"
- "Is the Resurrection Really That Important?"
- "Victory at the Cross"
- "Heaven is Worth It"
- "How to be Happy"
- "The Power to Fight"
- "Put on Your Battle Armor", pt 2
- "Put on Your Battle Armor", pt 1
- "A Call to Battle"
- "Christians in the Workplace"
- "God's Design for the Family", pt 2
- "God's Design for the Family", pt 1
- "Are You Walking in Light or Darkness?"
- "Do Not Grieve the Holy Spirit"
- "Old Man, New Man"
- "Building a Stronger Body"
- "Walk the Walk"
- "To the God Who Can Do Anything"
- "If We Could Only Comprehend the Love of God"
- "When Enemies Become Family"
- "From Death to Life"
- "What to Pray When Things Are Good"
- "Sealed by the Spirit"
- "Redeemed by the Son"
- "Chosen by the Father"
- "To the Saints in Okeene"
- "Find True Happiness"
- "Hate the Things That God Hates"
- "Work Like an Ant"
- "Sex is for Marriage"
- "Protect Yourself"
- "Get Wisdom!"
- Video Uploads